Online Journey with WA

Last Update: December 27, 2009

Hi my name is Filomena Adefarakan and all my friends call me Filo.

I am a mum of 5 and have been quite busy for the past few weeks prior to joining WA.

I have been looking for a while to get the right start on my online journey and have done a lot of mistakes since I have embarked on my personal journey to my success!

At first I did not see the mistakes I was making in the process but since I have joined a Forum of one of my Affiliate links, it has become clearer to me what I was doing wrong!

I have since realised that it is not even that hard of understanding when you read some of the posts in the Forums.

I also realised that this is going to take some time to get this all together in one website.

Well I also must say that there are a lot of people trying to help, to get us newbies into the right direction of our own journey we have taken on.

The first mistake I realised is that you should really take the steps one by one and not just from step 1 to step 4 or so. 

On my journey so far I joined a lot of free websites that offer you Lists and Leads and also Traffic galore. Not only that, I came across so many that I could not resist to join as they are free to join!!

But hey hold on! I had to calm myself down a bit with that and get all this put together before continuing my journey.

Its like a Formula one race... they have to stop sometimes as well and I think they call it a Pit-Stop.

I really hit the breaks and had to go for my first Pit-Stop on my journey!!


Check, Look Back, Recognise Mistakes, Rectify Mistakes, Read in Forums and apply what you have learned so far.

Phew!!! Wow what a journey this far.

Want to no about my Journey this far?????

Miss International has appeared on the WA Forum Scene, has caused chaos while on her Journey to success and needs to go for a Pit Stop!

Read about my first Pit stop, the Recognition of my mistakes and all the ideas and free advise you can get when you are on your own Online Journey.


Did you think you can get to that now?????


I am sorry to say but you have to hold on for that as it is not ready yet for you to read! 

You have to be patient with me as I am just in the process of getting all that done!!

Soon you can read all about my experience this far! Promise!

I always say " Good things take time to develop!"

So hold on tight and see or read how Miss International is going to rectify the mistakes she has done so far.


Did I get you right???

I think I did so am here to stay and write my heart away!!!!

Be good all you at WA and hold on tight as this is going to be the best ride of your Life!!!

Happy New Year 

to everybody at WA, all my buddies here, all mums out there all over the world!!! 

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