Last Update: January 05, 2010

Can You believe this???

Just as I finished writing my new blog and trying to add a Link my Laptop crashed!!!!!

All of it gone of course! GRRRRRR!!!!

I feel like shouting right now!!! 

But hey another Idea just come to me again!! While waiting for my laptop to load again I had another Idea to add! Ha I am really enjoying this!!

To my amazement it did not keep me away from what I was doing, as it used to before. When something like that happened I used to leave it out of Frustration at my Connection to the Internet.

But NO I decided THIS TIME NOTHING is going to keep me AWAY!

I am going to stick with it and the first thing I am going to change is my Connection!!!

I need a better Service so I can continue on my Journey with less Obstacles!!

I was a bit mad earlier as I really enjoyed what I wrote before. You must know I sometimes write just off my head! But lets just not go there again as I just calmed down from my outburst of Rage against my Computer!

Well last Night I tried myself in building my Website and have added some of my Content I want to be there.

I edited my Page called FREEDOM FOR MUMS and want that somehow as my homepage, but I still have other Ideas that I have in mind !!  

Well we will see what I can come up with but so far I am finding this Journey really interesting and hope that the time will tell what my efforts have created!

Thats it for now as I got to get some more done! PSST: Research is a must!!

I will be back as promised with an Update on my Progress to Freedom!!!!


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