About Nightowlpc
Joined November 2009
I’m known as Jim Wall, and yes I'm a workaholic, and times it is a down fall because I cannot sleep, due I cannot turn my mind off.
I am now disable from a stroke back in Nov. 2008; and my trip to Europe last March to mid April 2012; proved to me that my disability is not as bad now( I just have trouble walking due to no feeling in my left foot and hand the only physical block I see that I have is my Dyslexia (and I am thinking that my stroke increased my Dyslexia effects on me) witch confuses me retaining what I read.
But not knowing the find details scares me, I’m starting to think a class in programing would help my fears some and I know I not the brightest cookie on the block and I may start looking in to a writing classes at the local community college with a gramer & programing courses to improve my writing’s. And I can see I would do much better in formal class over self-teaching (witch I done for years).I somehow I got a thought on my head to move over to the Netherlands to live (to retire there).so I would need this “IM” up and working before that.
And see if I can live on it in Europe? I know Marcus is doing well in the UK or he is indicating he is. The only question is what market is he working in the US or European market? I am taking a Dutch course trying to learn to speak Dutch. I’ve found it much like German Language. I just need to get in to my head how and when to use “Hij & Zij” (personal pronouns). But I am finding learn Dutch is much like learn PHP or java script programing.it sound like stereo instructions to me.
Enough for now I will continue later on this thread of thought in my blog..
Jim wall (AKA-nightowlPC)
Nightowlpc's Accomplishments

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moneyguru93 Premium
Hi there :D
JessicaL86 Premium
Hi there and welcome !:)
schalkl Premium
Hi Jim, and welcome to WA. With your positive attitude things can only go right for you. I wish you well in whatever you want to do.
amazing1 Premium
Welcome to WA. I wish you well in your endeavors. I am from Oregon, USA. I am new to WA as well, however I am not new to affiliate marketing. I am willing to help where help is needed without charge.
Manker521 Premium
Welcome to WA. This is a great place to be. Best of luck. if you have any questions just ask. :)