Posts by Fortune3 6
August 18, 2012
I recently posted how my real life job situation was at a stand still aka lay off mode. Good news! I finally got some work lined up for the next couple weeks. Yes folk's things are looking up! I like that phrase, my wife started it around the house n such and it has rubbed off on me. Matter of fact I actually had some work last night and while I was there my wife text me a picture of money on a table! She went to a nearby bingo hall & won a total of $300! I am not trying to make a big point
As I have said before I have been side tracked / real life busy / lame on some of my goals in the IM world for awhile. Until recently of course! Yesterday I finally got back on Squidoo and with some tips from Pot Pie Girls training here at WA I published my 1st lens. It was really not hard at all & kinda fun too. The real easy thing was the article. You see I was going to publish it on SA but my website link's just didn't work well for SA's requirement's. I didn't give up on
I just wrote my 1st article for SA a couple days ago for my mobile notary website. The writing itself probably took not much more than a half n hour & then after a couple tweaks it was finally approved yesterday! I checked this morning & I already have 32 views, 1 comment & 3 tweets! It hasn't even been a full 24hrs yet! I am really excited and looking forward to writing some more here shortly.WA+SA+Jaaxy = Results! I still have a lot of work to do but it is really awesome to see happen even
Hello WA! I have been busy around here training & learning how to better navigate WP. I am getting better & better at it each hour from all the awesome resources here at WA. I am really excited now too because for a very,very long time I have had a website sitting around on here @ WA that I neglected. Shame on me! Fortunately now I have fired up the WP admin & have been digging in and making some headway. What I have covered so far isn't a ton but I have a theme I like to work with & an over
July 31, 2012
I haven't been as active for most of my time on WA but NOW is when it changes! Of course I've read tons of courses & training not to mention the really long WABinars which are GREAT as well. In my real life though I have been just so SO busy but then work slows down to a stop. I work primarily in post-production which is part of the film/tv industry so we get times in the year where the FOCUS changes from POST (after tv show or movie is filmed) to FILM/TV Production (actual shooting time
April 28, 2010
Let me start by saying Wealthy Affiliate has given me sooo much information that it has sometimes it has bogged me down! Has this happened to you or maybe its happening now.Either way its not their fault.I can get in my own way by either not taking enough action or making excuses.What I do is research like mad which has done a lot of good for me in saving money and not just paying for whatever just because but sometimes researching too much can stop you from just plain getting stuff done!That's
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