Things are looking up!

Last Update: August 18, 2012
I recently posted how my real life job situation was at a stand still aka lay off mode. Good news! I finally got some work lined up for the next couple weeks. Yes folk's things are looking up! I like that phrase, my wife started it around the house n such and it has rubbed off on me. Matter of fact I actually had some work last night and while I was there my wife text me a picture of money on a table! She went to a nearby bingo hall & won a total of $300! I am not trying to make a big point or nothing I just want to share some good news and hopefully send some good luck around. As I get busier with work I am determined to stay on task here too. I am making some small goals such as writing 1 article and or lens per day. My website Big Site Boost is coming along real good, I also purchased 4 more websites! The main thing is now as I keep doing these little task and checking them off my list all of this becomes less and less overwhelming. It helps to have great people to guide you along here at WA too.
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