Building an old but new WEBSITE!

Last Update: August 07, 2012
Hello WA! I have been busy around here training & learning how to better navigate WP. I am getting better & better at it each hour from all the awesome resources here at WA. I am really excited now too because for a very,very long time I have had a website sitting around on here @ WA that I neglected. Shame on me! Fortunately now I have fired up the WP admin & have been digging in and making some headway. What I have covered so far isn't a ton but I have a theme I like to work with & an overall look that is eye catching. If you want to give it a look , here ya go - Big Site Boost

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BIS Premium
It is so much better with black on white. I really think you have to do something about the header @Apina (Dean) or @Welshy (Craig) are two people who you might ask if you need any help in doing this.
Fortune3 Premium
Haha - Ok I will ask around for some help. Appreciate the tips.
BIS Premium
Hi -

Glad you're feeling so fired up. Just 3 things I thought looking at your site.

I like your theme, but be aware that white on black is very difficult for a lot of people to read, especially when the font is that small - which is why so many sites are black on white. It is a striking theme but readability is more important.

I am a lover of headers myself - but I don't think I have ever seen such a large one. Essentially this is wasted space. I was looking at your site and had to scroll down before I could find out anything. You might want to think of changing this.

Privacy Policy
You copied the Privacy Policy which most people use - but if you go back to the first sentence it doesn't make sense starting the sentence with "Therefore". You only use therefore if something has gone before - which it hasn't.

Hope this helps

Best wishes in getting your old but new site up and running.

Fortune3 Premium
Thanks for you observations Beverly. I made those changes, see what you think. I might need to get the header re sized better or not use it all together.