Getting back into gear!

Last Update: July 31, 2012
I haven't been as active for most of my time on WA but NOW is when it changes! Of course I've read tons of courses & training not to mention the really long WABinars which are GREAT as well. In my real life though I have been just so SO busy but then work slows down to a stop. I work primarily in post-production which is part of the film/tv industry so we get times in the year where the FOCUS changes from POST (after tv show or movie is filmed) to FILM/TV Production (actual shooting time and 1st edit). In short laymen terms - - LAID OFF.

Sounds so horrible but I've been dealing with it for a couple years now so I'm not too bothered by it but what I am bothered by is not USING the knowledge I've learned here as heavy over my time here. I wouldn't be truthful to say I've done nothing because that's not the case.

I own 3 website's and 1 of those is for me & my wife's Notary business. I have done small amount's of SEO, back linking and other marketing tactics. I haven't done a lot of writing though and it's been gnawing at me for a long time. Part of it is I'm not a great typist, my wife is awesome she can probably do 80+ words a minute. I am at maybe 25 at best.

What I have been good at is WRITING. I was the kid who actually like doing research papers, you know book reports and outlines. I actually like doing definitions. Creatively I was into poetry & that began learning how to rhyme words then say then into a mic over beats i.e. RAPPING! No I never pursued a career at it but I was pretty good & still could do it if I put time into it.

What I'm getting to is remember to use any time given wisely when it come's to this IM world. There is no reason, especially now how clean and simple this website works now! It always was really good but it's so much more functional than before. In recent weeks I have been more involved I.E> knowledge into action. Now with JAAXY plus Street Articles! Very awesome 1-2-3 Punch!! I will stop there & get ready to make my next blog!
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Carson Premium Plus
Fortune3 Premium
Thanks for comment. I will continue to update as much as possible. So far I am following the 30day plan which has helped my WP Site. I'm really implementing all the steps, slowly but careful execution.
Carson Premium Plus
Labman_1 Premium
Well, you can focus on your typing skills or you can write and practice your typing skills. When you can put your information down at the speed of your thoughts and not break your train of thought to get things down on the screen that is when you can type fast enough.

A good program to exercise your typing skills is Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing. The software is interactive so if you are having issues with a certain keystroke or sequence the program picks up on it and focuses the exercises on your problem strokes.

Just 10-15 minutes a day will greatly improve your typing skills. Give it a shot while you have the time.

Sorry about your Lay off but it sounds like things will pick up again. While you have the opportunity, focus on IM for a bit.
Fortune3 Premium
Thanks for the suggestion! I will look to get better as I go along. For now as long as I keep active day to day it will thrive. As far as my layoff it will be fine.