About FREDG1435
Joined March 2009
Lets see where do i start about me....Well i'm a single father of two kids a 13 year old son and a 14 year old daughter. I work as a drafter at an coaxial cable company (that don't pay me enough lol) I've been trying to make money onine for a few months now and what i realize is if you don't know how to market your site no matter how good it is you won't make money. Well thats why i'm here, i'm hoping to learn what i need to be successful and meet like minded people who is looking for that same success and who has already aquired success. All friendships are welcomed, I look forward to meeting you.
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LadyD Premium
Hi Fred,
I have been trying to make money online for a while now as well, so hopefully now we have come to the right place. I hope we both will be very successful! I will add you to my buddy list. Maybe, we will be able to help each other, some where along the line. Hope to hear from you soon!!
LadyD Premium
Hi Fred,
Congratulations on doing you first page. I am on week 2 and I am going through my tasks right now. I am focusing on article marketing 1st. I hope to have my first article done by the end of the week. Thanks for keeping in touch!!
FREDG1435 Premium
Hi ladyD its a pleasure meeting you. Yes i to hope to have much success at WA i've added you also to my buddy list maybe we can help each other in this journey to be successful. I won't be no stranger and hopefully we can go through this together
FREDG1435 Premium
Hello LadyD how are things going so far? I just did my first Landing page, it turned out pretty good for a beginner...lol I decided to focus on PPC marketing first. Its so much information in here i'll be going loco trying to learn it all at once. So i'll learn ppc first then move on. Where you at so far in your training.
Hey man, success to you!
Hey man.
I already had my own site, so I didn't have to go through that process. I'm just getting prepped for success now :P
FREDG1435 Premium
Thanks Zachary I appreciate your support , much success or continued success to you to.
FREDG1435 Premium
Hey Zachary, just touching basis i'm waiting on week 2 myself. I also signed up for WA Super Affiliate program to but having problems logging in to Flesk to register my domain name. I'm waiting on help with that hopefully someone will get back with me soon. Is everything good with you.
FREDG1435 Premium
Yeah I have a search engine and another site teaching how to get PPC for free but i disable them because i was having a hard time marketing them. Once I get more education on marketing out of here i'm going to reactivate them. Since WA has a course to promote this site I thought I would do that also while I'm learning but I can't move forward in the course because the login problem. I've made it known about my problem just waiting on a response.
FREDG1435 Premium
Hello Zac, Fred checking in, I got pass my tech. issue and has built my first Landing page. I'm focusing on PPC marketing first and almost ready to start my first campaign. Well thats where I'm at how things going with you.
shaner863 Premium
Hey man,me too!
Iv'e been real cautious about all this stuff,we need to be careful (many users)not many winners.
I had a mentor(I miss him very much),he said iron sharpens iron.I believe that.
I was also taught we should have a lab of people that is called a master mind group.
You spend valuable time with this master mind group and only at that time do you share your dreams and visions.
Our "out-side" friends and relatives think we have lost our minds,we do not share with those that steal our dreams and make fun of us.We treat them with love but keep our visions and dreams(plans) to our master mind group and they will build us up and share their success with each other.
Later we will have enough to help even those that still laugh for a time,when they need our help they will know we care.
FREDG1435 Premium
Hey Shane thanks for your words of wisdom and reaching out to me. I just got started here and i'm very excited to finally learn the missing ingrediant to success (correct marketing). I hope we can be friends and learn from each other. I'm currently writing a gospel album so its good to meet someone who also has a passion for music. I look forward to talking with you more and together we both can have a good experience from this site and what it has to offer.
FREDG1435 Premium
how things going Shane, I just wanted to check in with you, I just created my first landing page. it came out pretty good, i'm almost there in doing my ppc campain.
tauniann Premium
Ups to single parents!! Yeah, go hard Fred, all the best.
tauniann Premium
Oh yeah thats cool. Add away... Hey heres a tip.
Work through the 8 week programme but let me tell you this. As you go through you will learn about alot of pathways that lead off to other directions. You'll know what im talking about as you go through it. WRITE THEM DOWN cos there are dozens and dozens of these pathways. And if you were like me, and got addicted to the learning, I forgot about what I had learnt on the page before. So found I had to go back to the start to write these things down... bummer, but hey. Im glad I did it.
FREDG1435 Premium
Thank you Toni, its nice meeting you. First let me say you are beautiful, a mother of 3, your kids are lovely i'm sure. i'm a newbie here but i have great confidence that i will be successful using the tools they provide and with the help from such wonderful members. i hope we could be friends and help each other attain success. i'm going add you to my buddy list if ok.
FREDG1435 Premium
thanks for the tip, i just got started with week 2 so i'll start as i go through it.
eve Premium
Welcome to WA, Fred
Everything you need to learn is here. I wish you every success, and here is some gold to start you off!
Kind regards, Eve
eve Premium
Hi again Fred
I can understand that you want to get on a lot quicker, and you probably will. Please be careful going down the ppc road until you are absolutely sure how it is done. You can end up losing a whole lot of money, before your campaign takes off! Have you looked at article marketing, it is a slower way to progress but doesn't cost anything. As you know I am a tortoise anyway, so I am sure you will get there a lot faster! Just focus on the course and try not to go off track .
Kind regards
FREDG1435 Premium
Good evening Mrs. Eve thank you for the gold I really appreciate it. I'm very new here and i'm getting more support than inmagined. Having an ear to listen is a contribution, sometimes its the smallest thing that someone does for someone else that keeps them going that extra mile. Your gift may not be marketing at this point but showing love is also a gift and this newbie appreciates the love you have shown to me. Thanks
FREDG1435 Premium
How you doing Ms. Eve, I'm so inpatient sometimes. I'm so ready to jump in there and start marketing but i'm still in the learning process. I'm trying to do this thing right so i have to slow my spirit down and take the things that i'm learning in. I decided to just focus on PPC marketing first and once i got that down good move to one of the other ones. Well i'm not going to over bend your ear but i did want to check in. thanks for listening.