Bright Idea?Serious Money..

Last Update: June 05, 2010

Fellow buddies and friends, how you doing?(As Joey from TV show "Friends" used to say....) :PP

I came up with a great idea(i think :P) and i thought i could share it with you!shortly when i complete it, i will write a step by step resource for all of you.So, what's my idea you are going to ask me....

I found this site't worry not an affiliate link or anything).To make this clear i am not trying to sell you anything here.In this site you could post a job you are willing to do for 5$ or search for a work to be done for you for 5$.The price is standard.You can find amazing things done for you there for only 5 $.Even silly things!Things that will help you with your business and your Internet Marketing endeavors.The list is huge!

For example, you can find a guy design you a simple landing page for 5$.You can find a guy to setup for you a WordPress blog if you don't know how for5$!You can a find a guy(or girl :P) to write10 articles for you etc etc I think you get the point here!

It's also an easy way to make some cash if you can do something for something else!For 5$!Anything!And when the job is finished you get paid by Paypal 4$ because get a commission!

The idea i was talking about is about Youtube and video views.Video marketing is a great way to promote stuff.And because i don't want to take all the space here and become boring to read, i will make shortly a resource about how you can make money with Youtube!

Thanks for reading

Your Greek buddy




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iFaith Premium
Yooooohooooooohhhhh!!! ha ha ha .... Never done videos and backlinks from YouTube count great - looking forward to the resource. Thanks.
Fallulah Premium
Great Dimitris :) Thanks!
Sherion Premium
Thanks. I need all the help I can get. And I might see about making some money there myself.
DABK Premium
Thanks for sharing. I took a peek. Amazing things you can get for 5 bucks.
jatdebeaune Premium
Dimitris, Your enthusiasm is contagious. Thanks for sharing.