Out Of Order!Please Do Not Insert Coin!

Last Update: June 29, 2010

Yes, it's official! I am out of order! Do not insert any coins because i am NOT going to WORK!The last 2 weeks i feel completely out of my lead.I will explain to you immediately...

Remember the site i was telling you about at an earlier blog post of mine, Fiverr.com? It's a site where you can do a job for someone for 5$ or you can buy a gig from someone for 5$.And the price is fixed.

So, i ve put up a gig my self in order to get my first money online, writing articles for others, applying the things i ve learned so far at WA!So far, so good by now.But the orders started rolling almost immediately..I begun writing almost anything.

Couples massages, Formula 1, how to write a poem, affiliate marketing network, etc etc All my "clients" were very happy with my job and started asking for more. Tony, the man with the Formula 1 article, asked if i could write him 6 more articles for 5$ each, concerning the F1 teams. I was also approached by a person that told me if i was interested in writing 4 articles a day, 5 days a week for 20$/day...

That's great i started thinking...You know what though? Although i started watching my Paypal account rising, i think that i am gonna pass, at least for now. I got too tired all day researching, giving my best shot, because i was at the beginning and wanted to show my good work, i even told people that if they were unhappy, i was going to make the changes for them free. :)

But when i saw that from 5$, that Fiverr.com was holding 1$, before Paypal costs and turning that in my currency(EURO), didn't worth at all. Except the fact that i was away from my family..My WA family! YOU people! I REALLY MISSED YOU!

So on Saturday i am going on vacation for 10 days on a Greek island called Serifos. There is no Internet connection there, so i am going to miss you for a some days more!

But i will come back more relaxed, ready to spend my time and earn some serious money!

Thanks for taking the time to read this

Your Greek buddy



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Lee P. Premium
I can understand that - enjoy the holiday!
maureenhannan Premium
Hi Dimitris, You're seeing a lot of the same stuff that I discovered spending months working for clients on Odesk and Elance. It is draining, and at the end of the day, you've sold your work for a very low price. I made a conscious decision to keep trying to meet a certain income quota per week--but to try to reserve at least 2 full-time days per week for my own internet marketing efforts. I find I can't just squeeze it in in an hour here or an hour there when I am tired. It takes planning, brain power, creative energy, and some tedious repetition. Missed ya--glad you're back! And everything you learned will certainly come in handy as you build your own business.
jatdebeaune Premium
I wondered about that site Dimitris. Writing articles takes work when you do it right. All that effort can be put into your own campaigns to earn you "real" money. I applaud your experiment. That site will probably be useful when you are the customer. Have a great 10 days. ohhh...10 days on a Greek island, how wonderful! See you when you return, refreshed and rarin' to go.
AndreErasmus Premium
Hi Dimitris. We are also doing articles, there seems to be a lot of work but the pay at the end of the day is not great even when you convert it to Rand in South Africa, but it keep us going for now. Have great holiday I'm also off to the coast for a couple of days.