Feeling Great

Last Update: June 01, 2010

You know the feeling, don't you?Even if the whole world around you is a mess,you keep trying to see the right side of the things...What i have been through the last few days is UNBELIEVABLE!

I wake up in the morning and the first thing i do is to open my computer....Log in to Wealthy Affiliate, see my WA space, answer to messages from buddies,watching the member rank going from 5336 to 245 to 116 to 87 to 46..Can this be real?I can't wait to log in to the forum and read new posts or see if i have any answered!

Reading blog posts,commenting,having fun!Exchanging gold,thanking each other,having fun.

Get to the Training center,continue with the Action Plan,check your messages again.Learning,studying,having fun!Interacting with people like me,more or less experienced.

Having people never met before and feeling like you know them the past 20 years.Great feelings dear buddies.:PP

I feel it in my heart,for the very first time in my life,that THIS IS GOING SOMEWHERE..And it's definitely going SOMEWHERE VERY VERY NICE...

I feel, for the very first time in my life,that i am going to be successful,doing what i enjoy the most!2 words!2 magic words!Internet Marketing!

No i don't take drugs.I know what i ve written in my previous blog post.That has crossed my mind to quit...But i didn't.And i won't.Sometimes anyone can have a great alternation of emotions..The most important thing after all is to be on the right track.And i am....

Thanks for taking the time to read this :)

Your Greek buddy



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iFaith Premium
On cloud nine along with you - super high! ha ha heee... Getting oneself motivated and inspired makes taking action super easy.
Taking your buddies along for the ride makes it bigger than it is! Rock on! :o)
maureenhannan Premium
"Exchanging gold, thanking each other, having fun." (Sigh) Now wouldn't it be grand if our regular work lives had more giving of gold, thank-you's, and FUN? I'm right with you, Dimitris. Keep blogging--I love reading about how you experience all of this. ~ Maureen