I am 27!Today!

Last Update: June 09, 2010

Hello friends!How you ' ve been?

The time here in Greece is 11:56 am(so have GOOD MORNING from me!), just woke up half an hour ago(i am so glad that i can do whatever i like and whenever i like!) and logged in in WA account!And you know what i 've realized minutes ago?That today is my BIRTHDAY!!

Yes, i am turning 27 years old(or young!) TODAY, 10th of June,2010.And that makes me DOUBLE HAPPY because at this age,i have dealt with a lot of things in my life, good and ugly(unfortunately).But what doesn't kill you, makes you more strong!So even with these ugly things involved, i have to say that i live a great life.I have good friends,family i love,a girl i love(and loves me back!)... :)

The only missing part to fill in the puzzle is to be financially independent!Work at my own time and pace,earning enough money,having even more fun.And health of course, to enjoy all theses things.So, i like very much the fact that i am a member of the WA family!Because,WA is the missing part and will help me achieve my goals and make my dreams come true!

Thanks WA!

Thanks for taking the time to read this!


Your Greek buddy


ps Happy birthday to anyone else whose birthday is today, tomorrow and so on!


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ana_nimoss Premium
Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Dimitris, Happy Birthday to you....and many many good wishes!
maureenhannan Premium
Happy birthday, Dimitris! Youv'e got enough behind you to make you smart and enough ahead of you to make you rich (in every important way, not just $). Enjoy this day, my friend!
surfsusan Premium
Happy birthday from Portugal - I hope you get lots of presents and love today and forever :)
jatdebeaune Premium
Happy Birthday Dimitris! A great Day, a great age, and a great life!
Moneygroup Premium
Happy Birthday! I am in Puerto Rico...look that up...it's nice to know, that it doesn't matter where we are we want similar things and celebrate our special moments. Take Care buddy!