About Maghdalena
Joined September 2009
Hello! My name is Katherine Logan, Also known as Maghdalena. I've been studying Internet and affiliate marketing for about 2 or 3 years. One of the main interests that really piques my interest and gets me out of bed in the morning is Mindset. Our beliefs. What has been keeping me from being the success that I expected when I first started studying this. I've found out that I need to look within myself and take a look at The Examined Life. Self-Sabotage has long been a thorn in my side so I'm going to work on this as my first niche. It's the behaviors and the beliefs beneath them that keep us all from being the successes we would like to be; what decides if we are going to be winners or "also-rans". Ways we can change our beliefs, get confidence in ourselves and earn our merit.

Other interests that I have are: reading, music, guitars, swimming and though I haven't done it in a long time, travel.

I'm currently on disability, but have the goal to support myself and a college career in the field of psychology and Neuro-Linguistic Programming hypnotherapy and alternative healing. I have a long way to go, but I believe I'm moving in the right direction. I am also married and have been for 26 years. No kids.

I wish all of you in the journey into Internet Marketing and the discovery of learning about yourselves in the process of learning about your niches. Anybody who is interested in the same area of mindset, self-sabotage and beliefs, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, hypnotherapy, energy work and other alternative healing methods are free to contact me or be buddies. I can use all the friends I can get.
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Ezinewriter Premium
Hello Katherine, we are now buddies :)
Felice Yeow Premium
Hi Katherine, thanks for the add. Since you said you have been studying about internet marketing for a year, I believe you can get to the right track in a very short time. Good luck!
Maghdalena Premium
Well, yes, but I have just recently focused and concentrated my studies because this is what I want to do. Before it was possibility, but now I want to "major" in Internet and Affiliate Marketing. I am moving slowly, because my husband and I are designing a website, so I'm studying this in my spare time, but I am concentrating my studies when I *do* study. At least I have found my niche. Have a nice weekend! :)
dave-min Premium
hi and welcome to WA im sure you will enjoy being here with all the information thats available to you and theres plenty of help as well if you need good luck
Maghdalena Premium
Thank you for your kind words. I finally got back here(My husband I and I have been working almost non-stop on our website for our organization, Sanctuary of Victory, and now, we're seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, so I can concentrate more on Affiliate Marketing. I'm still very interested in the guitar niche and guitar learning niche, and just getting back to it. If I need any help, I'll be glad to mention it at the forums or to you. I wish you every success too.
Terry Neal Premium
Welcome to WA nice to have you here.
Write something about yourself in About Me above.
Introduce yourself in the forum, and get in the learning center and take action.
Have Fun!
Terry Neal Premium
Have you joined the forum?
Be sure to introduce yourself.
Maghdalena Premium
Thanks for your words of encouragement. I am working on the 8 Week action plan. I've only been a member for a couple of days though. :) I'm also working on applying for an LLC for my company, Victory Infopublishing. I want to focus on the Mindset that turns people into winners, That and bread and butter issues. I want to work on one niche at a time with this though.
Maghdalena Premium
Yes I have, and I have just posted my second message. Doing a lot of reading of the postings. Thanks for the encouragement! :)
Rodrigo Urbina Premium
Hey Katherine: How are you today? My main hobby is reading too, no doubt and for many years I've been following the concept of the "Law of Attraction". Did you start your program? Any question let me know, OK?
Welcome to WA!
Rodrigo Urbina Premium
Thanks for your response. Do your program and don't get lost.
I haven't used the Kettlebells yet.
Maghdalena Premium
You like to work out, I see. Are you familiar with Kettlebells? My husband and I are collecting and using them. They *do* seem to work.