Finally on the Right Track

Last Update: February 17, 2011

I've been a member for over 4 months now, and even though I've only made one sale so far (with an article that I didn't even write myself), I didn't stop working my butt off.

 Two days ago, I finished the Article Marketing WA Club and now I have a very good foundation and my website is getting some daily traffic.

 Yesterday, I decided to put in an opt-in form. I've had some failed attempts at email marketing before, but this time someone actually subscribed!

No sales yet, but I have a website that is constantly getting traffic, I've written over 50 articles for this website and now, I even have someone on my mailing list!

 Things are definitely looking up now ^^

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thesue Premium
Just keep at it, and keep the 30 plan in line. What you did the last week should be your guide.... good luck
onefineham Premium
I had a lot of fun and learned from the WA Club as well. It was really enlightening. Good luck and continued success to you!