Getting pretty frustrated

Last Update: October 17, 2010

Before being able to complete lesson 1 of the Action Plan, i had to read the Wordpress Express tutorial in wich I needed to create my first Wordpress blog.
However, it doesn't seem to be working. The interface works and says my blog will be up and running within 10 minutes, but it's just not working.

I tried everything and posted my problem on the forum, only to find out that a lot of people are having the same problem. I contacted Carson about it and he'll get the tech support to take a look at it.

I hope the problem will be resolved soon, so I (and others who have this problem) can finally start doing some real work.

On the bright side though; because of this, I've been able to spend quite some time browsing the forum and that's already teaching me a lot :-)

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erussell Premium
Although it says it'll be up in 10 minutes, it usually takes quite a bit longer (at least with WA Hosting). This is one of the biggest problems in WA, but there has been so many issues like this, I'm sure Kyle and Carson realize the problem, and will hopefully fix it soon. Meanwhile, you can write articles, learn, and do so many other things in the meantime.
hampushm Premium
I still have the issue. I've contacted both Kyle and Carson about it and they're looking to solve the problem.

While waiting for the problem to be fixed, I will use moondragon1's tutorial.
moondragon1 Premium
Visit my tutorial. As soon as it's been approved it has the info you need.
Henry III Premium
Hey, I have the same problem that you have. Getting stuck on the part where you want to access your blog and start editing. Have you been helped or has the problem been resolved?