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Last Update: March 25, 2011

A few days ago I started experimenting with a new website. Instead of creating a huge 20+ page website, targeting 10 or so keywords, I decided to make a very small website, targeting only ONE keyword.

I picked a low competition keyword, set up my domain and created 2 posts and after that, I decided to take a 2 day break from Internet Marketing, since I had some other things to do.

This morning I checked to see if my website was indexed by Google and guess what? Not only is it already indexed, it's the SECOND quoted result! And in the unquoted results, I'm already on page 3 (and that's for a keyword that gets 2400 monthly searches)!

I have written ZERO ARTICLES, have NO BACKLINKS  and my website is not even finished yet! 25 people have already visited my unfinished website and I don't even have any affiliate links on it.

So now, I'm canceling all my appointments for today and I'm going to finish this damn site and  get some backlinks to get even higher in the search results.

My first "real" sale is just around the corner, I just know it!

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