Little Update

Last Update: November 01, 2010

Well I've been studying most of the time now for about 2 weeks now. I just completed lesson 5 of the action plan and now have to "wait" 6 days for the next lesson. So I thought this would be a nice opportunity to let everyone know how things have been going these last 2 weeks.

I actually made some sacrifices to be able to fully commit to learning everything here. I cut back on dating and I've put my big beautiful digital painting on hold for now. These sacrifices have been worth it, because I'm learning a LOT! The notebook I bought a few weeks ago is filling up rapidly and is now almost half full already.

Right now I'm in the process of creating my first blog and writing my first articles. After a full day of research, I've found a GOLDEN niche that I'm very passionate about. The writing comes very natural to me and I'm confident about the quality of my content.

 Sadly, I won't have much time to study the upcoming days. The windows in my room are going to be redone. There are going to be new window frames put in, new shades and new windowsills. It's going to be a heck of a job, but it was much needed. At the moment my room is a complete wreck with the window sills lying on the floor.

Anyway, looking in my notebook at all the things I wrote down, I really feel that I've come a long way already and I can't wait for my windows to be done, so I can focus on studying again.

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