About HelRay
Joined May 2012
Hi, my name is Helen, I live in London, UK with my musician husband Paul. I am originally from the north-west of England - the beautiful part of the country they call the Lake District and I enjoy going back to walk in the mountains with my friends and visit family.

I have decided to make a start towards changing my life for the better by learning the art of Affiliate Marketing, building my knowledge alongside my websites and meeting new friends along the way. I am excited to have just gained access to WA (loving it already!)

I look forward to sharing experiences with the WA community.
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hey ! how's your progress coming so far ? i have yet to find a specific niche.. i think i should bite the bullet haha.
HelRay Premium
Well, I've just taken one step forward and 2 steps back - I decided to change the theme on my website and managed to delete all the content, so will have to reload it when I get home, lol! That is what you call a learning curve! Choose a niche that you are interested in and that you feel confident writing about, even if you are not sure whether it will be profitable. The way I look at it, you want your first project to be your practice run - the one you make all your mistakes on. Then, when you are confident with the process of putting everything in place, you can choose a different niche and do it RIGHT! Well, this is my theory, ha ha!
Are you following the 30 day program? I recommend you do that.
Helle Premium
Welcome to WA Helen!
TJ Books Premium
Welcome to WA,The Place to Learn to Earn. I made 3 videos to give an overview of the process. The details of how to do things are in the 30-Day Training and in the tutorials. Make sure you use the forums to get answers to your questions. In my fifth year here. John
taipan Premium
Welcome aboard to WA Helen......
Adi2008 Premium
Welcome to WA Helen! There's a few of us here from the UK (me included). Get stuck into the training materials and ask if you need help.