Spammy Comments on my website

Last Update: June 30, 2012
I reallly don't know what is going on here.... since I started writing articles on SA and linking to my website I started getting some positive comments which was good, right? Some of these comments looked like they had been written by people whose first language is not English, but I wasn't concerned by that. The comments are increasing - but I have noticed that not one of them actually refers to the subject of my website they are just general comments and some have absolutely nothing to do with my subject and are referring to other niches. This has now become a constant stream of spam-type comments if I click on the email or website that it has supposedly come from I get an error message or mail returned message. Where are these comments coming from and how can I stop them? I don't seem to be finding my target audience at all, just other bloggers.......frustrated!
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georgejhaas Premium
Do you have Akismet plugin installed on your WordPress site? if not, I would add this plugin. This plugin helps removes spam. Also, you will have to delete the comments that you feel do not make sense that is, comments that do not help your niche, just delete them. The ones that do, you can approve. I had the same issue with one of my sites.
Apina Premium
As the others say, Alismet (it will want to charge you, but slide the slider to zero!) also it is still worth checking your spam comments from time to time, to see if there are any good ones sent there by accident. Then delete them all as spam comments in your spam folder still take up space in your database
HelRay Premium
thanks for the extra info - so much to learn! I have activated Askimet, but didn't see the screen with the slider - there were just 3 options $5 per month for 1 website, $50 per month for multiple websites or $0-$120 per month for personal non-business websites. Obviously my website is trying to make money so I didn't go for the 3rd option..... should I have? lol (too late now!)
Apina Premium
yes the 3rd option, then when you actually make money you can change it and give them something back
chris evs Premium
yeah you want to activate Akismet. I made the same mistake on my very first wordpress site and if you do not address it soon it will get worse. I ended up getting hundreds of spam comments a day sent from automated blog comment software. When I finally figured out what Akismet was for I still had to spend hours trashing each comment - a mistake I will not make again lol.
HelRay Premium
Thank you for this I will activate it ASAP
@RICH. Premium
Hi Helen. I'm a noob so probably not much help, but have you got the Akismet plugin? Also, have you considered moderating comments before they're posted? Just a couple of thoughts!
HelRay Premium
Hi Rich
Looks like I'm going to have to activate askimet plug-in. Moderating just stops them from being seen on my website, it doesn't stop the stream of emails asking for moderation!