My First "Learning Curve"

Last Update: May 16, 2012
So, here I am, getting through the first few days of the 30 day success program, feeling all happy with myself for getting this far. then I decide to go "off road" and change my WP theme. BAD MOVE! Don't ask me how, but I ended up deleting all the content I had put on my site. (Ok so it was just one blog, an about me page and a privacy policy - but still!) So tonight has been spent putting it all back on again. Lesson learned? Maybe I should stick to the training rather than trying to "pretty-up" my site, lol!
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Behealthy Premium
If you haven't actually pressed a delete button your content should still be there. If all you have done is switch themes, your content will still be there :) Did you categories your blog and give it a title? By default wordpress files your first blog under the "uncategorized" title. Also your pages will not show in your menu navigation until your include them in your menus. To do this, go to your "menus" and add them.
HelRay Premium
Like I say, I have no idea how it happened but it all disappeared! I definitely didn't press anything that said delete - ANYWAY, It wasn't a disaster, I had everything saved in word documents so all I had to do was copy and paste it all back in......
mhamilt Premium
That's pretty strange - changing the theme shouldn't have deleted all the content!