Day 2 - more progress

Last Update: May 07, 2012

My website is coming along nicely! I have added content - Homepage, About Me page, Privacy Policy - it's looking good. Small problem that I am sure is easy to iron out - there seems to be a title called "home" already - it comes up under posts rather than pages. I want to delete that and call it Blog, but can't find how or where to do that. Other than that, I'm really quite happy with what I have done so far. 

It has been a bit of a struggle motivating myself to do this, I am a bit phobic about learning new technology - but I got there in the end!

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slayton1s Premium
This partly depends on what theme you're using. I like to use "Zee" themes. Check them out. They are good ones. But as for what fishing below said, yes. Menu's are the way to go, and most if not all the "Zee" themes have 1 or 2 menus you can setup.

As a side note: you could also hack your blog but I'm sure you wouldn't want to go that route. ;) lol.
HelRay Premium
Thank you - I will check out the Zee Themes - I bookmarked a few favourites and that one sounds familiar. As far as hacking my blog goes - that sounds WAY too advanced for me right now (thankfully! lol)
fishing Premium
You should be able to change your menu titles by going to your menus and make a custom menu then you can call them anything you want and put them in any order....hope this helps....
HelRay Premium
Thanks a lot, that makes sense to me! Will get on to it when I get home from the day job!