Posts by Iw99 10
June 10, 2011
Not to toot my own horn twice in the same week.  But today I wrote the most articles ever.  My previous record was 3 in one day today I doubled it.  Got 6 in one day.  My goal when I started the 30 in 30 with Street Articles was to get to 40 articles in my neighborhood. I had only about 3 when I started the contest. Tomorrow I start on my goal of getting 40.  A lesson learned from the 30 in 30 was to not take your foot off the gas pedal. Previously I did that.  Wou
June 05, 2011
Reached my 30 in 30 yesterday.  But I'll keep writing until I the end of the contest. Next goal is to get to platinum on Street Articles and shoot for writing 40 articles in 30 days.
Hey anyone in need of a laugh?   Check out these videos here.
January 26, 2011
In response to Mcstir's blog post of "What's Your Excuse" (I hope you she doesn't mind me responding this way), I may have got myself spread too thin.  In earlier attempts at IM I made the huge mistake of buying into expensive programs (see an earlier post for Ooops I did it again).  Now I have to work two jobs - one full time the other part time - while building on the business.  Thank God for WA and thier tutorials on Penny Pinching Marketing so I c
January 02, 2011
Here's wishing my fellow WAers a happy new year.  I hope you all have an even more prosperous year than 2010.   Achieve all your goals for 2011. 
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December 27, 2010
Has anyone ever tried buying leads from a lead company and emailing the people who they give you to see if they would be interested?
September 02, 2010
Hello this is a method I've used for setting goals for myself and hopefully it will work for others as well. I picked it up from a Nightingale Conant Program  by Dr. Robert Mauer called One Small Step Can Change Your Life, The Kaizen Way To Success. The way I believe it will help people just starting out in Internet Marketing - people like me - is most of us read the hype about making thousands of dollars a month in a short period of time.  And when we don't achieve that for
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August 23, 2010
Hello, I now have my first article written for promoting Wealthy Affiliate on Hub Pages.  And some more ads posted on US Free Ads.   One article and about 6 ads posted.  Not much but it's a start.  I will soon be signing up for the Article Marketing Course here on Wealthy Affiliate as well as Rocket Articles.   This week will be busy as me and my family as we scatter Mom's ashes on Wednesday, but I'll still be attempting to post ads and write articles.   Generally w
1 comment
August 16, 2010
Hello,   I thought I'd update on my activity.  I posted my first ads on  Two of them today.  I have a gold membership with them so I can run 25 simultaneously.  On days that I work at my job like I did today I'll probably post one or two ads on sites like that.   On my days off where I work shift work I write actual articles that will hopefully make money.  As well as work on the websites.  I'll also be taking the article writ
August 02, 2010
No don't worry I'm not a Britney Spears fan.  Iron Maiden fan actually.  But that's not the topic of my post. This is more about repeating the same mistakes over and over again. Like lots of people when I first started doing Internet Marketing (IM) I got suckered into spending a lot of money on a coaching program.  The first time it was from reading the book The One Minute Millionaire and how the author was able to make something like 30k in a day from selling a product.  Whi