Oops! I did it again

Last Update: August 02, 2010

No don't worry I'm not a Britney Spears fan.  Iron Maiden fan actually.  But that's not the topic of my post.

This is more about repeating the same mistakes over and over again.

Like lots of people when I first started doing Internet Marketing (IM) I got suckered into spending a lot of money on a coaching program.  The first time it was from reading the book The One Minute Millionaire and how the author was able to make something like 30k in a day from selling a product.  While he actually did do that he "forgot" to mention how long he worked building up the list to be able to do that.

Don't get me wrong, it was a good book, the inspirational story to it was awesome.  But being a newbie it didn't occur to me there would be inexpensive resources or even free if I had dug a little deeper.  But the website failed even though I spent a lot of money with SEO companies not realizing there are inexpensive ways to do this.

So after this I did the same thing again, bought into a system that would help me grow a network marketing business.  I did the work but as most people can imagine network marketing just ain't the best thing since sliced bread.

Then guess what, I did it again.  I signed up for a Robert Kiyosaki course and coaching program, this almost became successful.  I had an accepted offer on a duplex that if the deal had gone through the gross income would be equal to my main job and the net income would have equalled or bettered my second job meaning I could have quit the second job.

It fell through when the lender shut down and no other lender would fund the deal as I didn't actually have the down payment.  We were doing a cash back at close and I had a letter from a friend of the real estate agent that said she'd lend me the money for the down payment.  Every other lender would only accept a letter from a family member.  Id didn't go to my parents as I in the past when I mentioned I wanted to go into real estate investing they always came up with reason why it wouldn't work - I don't know plumbing, electrical work etc.  But that's what the yellow pages are for.

I wanted to show success.  If I had hadn't spent all that money on the real estate training I would have had an empty line of credit and could have used that as the funding for the deal.  If only I I had read the Don Campbell book Real Estate Investing for Canadians - before I took the course -  that says that they don't charge massive amounts of money for courses, the money should be going to the deal.  But I bought into the hype and belief that you can learn a lot from experienced investors.  Also buying into the line - "If you believe education is expensive, wait til you get the bill for ignorance."

Despite what Kiyoaski's detrators say - and there are many, just do a Google search - his books make good points.  Points such as your house is not an asset it's a liability.  An asset is something that puts money in your pocket, a liability takes money out of your pocket.  My attitude is that I can learn from anyone and if I get one good idea from a book it was worthwhile.  But those seminars were just way too expensive.

And now the point of my title.  When I started looking into affiliate marketing I bought an ebook on second tier affiliate marketing.  Soon after buying the book my mom died from a massive stroke in April of this year and with the grieving process I didn't get the chance to really work hard at it.  Then in May I got a phone call from another company that was going to teach me how to do affiliate marketing and as you can guess I bought into it again spending a lot of money.  The grieving process was not yet over.  The result of which was www.funtimeshomebrewing.com, myscreenwritingjourney.blogspot.com and tightfortimefitness.blogspot.com.

This was before I read the Bum Marekting Method by Travis Sago and had heard of Wealthy Affiliate.

The first point of this is hopefully I can help others avoid my mistakes, don't spend massive amounts of money on stuff and be sold on hype.  Research and you can get stuff for free - Bum Marketing Method - or relatively inexpensively - WA - and get just as good or most likely better information.

The one in May will be the last time I ever do that.  And that's the second point of this entry to make myself accountable to people other than myself.  After each time mentioned above I kept saying I won't make that mistake again.  This time I'm putting it out there for others to hear:


Sorry to shout.  But I simply had to do it there.

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Felice Yeow Premium
Sounds like me... I always think that this kind of investment is called 'learning' which leads me to keep buying IM courses. I think what I need is ACTION and keep my mind FOCUS. Good luck!
Good thing in this regard that I've been broke all of my life! (there's a bright side most everything) This has prevented me from getting anywhere near any of the high ticket stuff! As for Robert Kiyosaki, I've read some of his books. They do offer some real valuable basics on financing. Was this one of his $12,000 courses? I understand that his $450 seminars are basically a sales pitch to the expensive courses. I've not been to one so I won't say one way or the other about it. Unfortunately the only things I can get into are, for the most part, the free stuff. I'm very fortunate to be in WA right now. My blog post about the ranking system here met with a very strong and frank rebuke from one of the long-standing members here. The things said of it were incontrovertible. It was basically about wasting time with such a assinine topic. I went to the person's blog area to leave a PM stating he was right and met with...nothing. That silence alone had a lot to say. I could see where this person's priorities were set and that I should do the same - less time posting and more time doing the work in preparing myself for Internet marketing. Thanks, by the way, for the information about Travis' Bum Marketing Method Course. I've gotten into it. Right now, I'm in no position to be delving in issues that do nothing for my current financial situation and my days here are numbered if I don't get busy and make some sales. There's no room for errors like this and I deleted the blog post just before midnight last night --Daniel
jatdebeaune Premium
Oh yeah. Well, you know this now because you experienced it. Came at a sizable cost to you, but sometimes that's the way it works. I've had similar experiences. Just makes you smarter. All the best to you going forward.