Setting Goals

Last Update: September 02, 2010

Hello this is a method I've used for setting goals for myself and hopefully it will work for others as well.

I picked it up from a Nightingale Conant Program  by Dr. Robert Mauer called One Small Step Can Change Your Life, The Kaizen Way To Success.

The way I believe it will help people just starting out in Internet Marketing - people like me - is most of us read the hype about making thousands of dollars a month in a short period of time.  And when we don't achieve that for whatever reason we can get discouraged and quit.

It basically boils down to improving in baby steps like when someone gets their first check for 5 or 6 dollars.  And then rewarding yourself when you achieve a goal.  Of course make the reward equivalent to the goal achieved - don't buy a car when you get the 5 dollar check.  Forgive the oversimplification it was done to make a point.

So here's how I am going to apply it - hopefully it works for you as well.

1.  Concentrate on getting the first check of 5 or 6 dollars.  Reward:  bottle of pop or bag of chips etc.

2.  Then work towards having my WA monthly costs covered.  Reward:  Blu Ray Disc or PS3 Game.

3.  Then on top of that work towards covering my car costs - gas and insurance (I personally don't have a loan or lease payment).  Reward:  Dinner out.

4.  On top of that work towards replacing the income from my second job.  Reward:  I can quit my second job freeing up more time to do other things I enjoy and work on my business.

5.  On top of that work towards covering the cost of my mortgage.  Reward:  Get back to martial arts training.

6.  On top of that work towards replacing the income from my main job.  Reward:  Retired from employment.


Use my ideas to come up with your own and see how quickly you can achieve them.

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Devan Premium
Nice blog post. Why don't you add bkb2012 as a buddy. She used to have a martial arts school!