6 Articles In One Day

Last Update: June 10, 2011

Not to toot my own horn twice in the same week.  But today I wrote the most articles ever. 

My previous record was 3 in one day today I doubled it.  Got 6 in one day.  My goal when I started the 30 in 30 with Street Articles was to get to 40 articles in my neighborhood. I had only about 3 when I started the contest.

Tomorrow I start on my goal of getting 40.  A lesson learned from the 30 in 30 was to not take your foot off the gas pedal.

Previously I did that.  Would accomplish something then take a day off, which actually became longer.

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winch330 Premium
6 articles in a day is definitely a hurdle! How long did it take you to do it? So far I've done a 3 in a row session but you do run out of ideas to talk about if you are dealing with similar keywords. Of course, pre-reading other ppl's article also helps in that endeavor:)
Joe McB Premium
Awesome work...I'm sending some gold as well.
Labman_1 Premium
I agree with Joan, an accomplishment well worth rewarding. GFY
iw99 Premium
Thanks Joan
jatdebeaune Premium
Have some gold. You deserve it!