About Jcloake
Joined March 2009
I'm a business owner and real estate investor. I recently got curious about internet marketing and advertising. Want to explore and see what it's all about. I'd love to meet all of ya! So, stop by and say "hi". Suggestions and recommendations for a newbie would be greatly appreciated...

Oh, love dogs and live for Cheetos and mudd pies! =)
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Kirst Premium
Welcome to WA. Its a great place to be. Check out the MY SHARE for extra free tutorials and then the forum is a great place to hang out. Check the sticky posts. They are the ones with the exclamation marks next to them! It took me a while to figure that out.
See ya around here
jcloake Premium
Newbie at internet marketing. Would love to get your feedback, suggestions, and recommendations...
Delbennu Premium
Welcome, and All the Best to you. LOL You go Cheesee for Cheetos too?
mrodriguezo Premium
Hi! Welcome aboard!
Hope you have fun and in the meantime earn extra $$$ :-)

See ya!
jcloake Premium
Thanks, Mariano, for the warm welcome. Gonna need lots of help! =) New to IM.
WillYap Premium
Hi Jennifer. Welcome to WA.
Complete the 8 week plan first. Next, setup your account at ezinearticles.com and squidoo.com. You will be using these 2 sites a lot for SEO and free traffic strategy.

jcloake Premium
I assume this is how I reply to you, Will?
Thanks for helping. I really really appreciate it. =) I will get on the 8 wk training.
What's this "donate gold" thing to the upper right hand corner of a post?