Don't Ever Give Up

Last Update: May 22, 2012
Fourteen years ago today
My blushing bride and I snuck away
to a little chapel down on music row
for some vows and rings and don't you know
after all these years one thing remains
I'd surely do it all over, again and again.

Here's to those who have found true love and to those who haven't
Don't ever give up.
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Deezdz Premium
That's sweet...and you make a nice looking couple!
jpnetco Premium
Thanks Deezdz... but I must say, she makes the nice look.
morlandroger Premium
Enjoy your day.
jpnetco Premium
Thank You.
TJ Books Premium
Sounds like a song to me. My wife and I were married in '53 so next year is number 60. She has ALZ now so it is my turn to take care of her instead of her taking care of me. John
jpnetco Premium
That is awesome TJ, with a sentiment like that it's obvious that your wife is in very good and caring hands. I also know you are walking a tough road and I commend you for your strength and love to stay and take care of her. God Bless you both and I will keep you in my prayers and thoughts.
BIS Premium
In a cynical old world that is really sweet. Hope you both enjoy your anniversary.
jpnetco Premium
Thanks Bis. Yes it can be a cynical old world at times, and I must admit that I myself can sometimes be that way as well, but one of the things that attracted me to my wife is her incredible open mindedness to others and her ability to always see and consider both sides of the coin. Thanks for your comment.