Posts by Kclark 11
August 29, 2010
I once again want to thank all of the WA members who are responding and providing me with their support to help to me to become a successful member here at WA. I have been attempting to learn IM since Jan 09, almost 2 full years, and I feel like I have gotten no where. One of my main challenges, as if learning IM isn't challenging enough, I also suffer from a learning disorder and it's main effect on me is that I  have trouble performing specific types of skills or completing tasks if left
August 21, 2010
I haven't blogged for a while, but I am still here. Haven't had much time to spend here recently but I am still trying. I must still say that WA is really starting to disappoint me more and more as are some of the members here. For me no matter how good someone's course's or training's are there are some of us who still need answers to our questions, we need guidance, direction, instruction and sometimes just plain old hand holding. I have also found that as things change most of the instruction
July 25, 2010
The title say's it all. Is there anyone who can help me out.
July 25, 2010
     I finally have some time to get back into the swing here at WA, and I must say I thought I was making some progress but I still seem to get lost and confused. I am working on finding a niche or product to write articles on and I can't seem to make up my mind. I think that I may need to start over from the first lesson and do everything over again. I can't understand why I am having such a hard time understanding what to do. Getting frustrated all over again. 
July 25, 2010
     I finally have some time to get back into the swing here at WA, and I must say I thought I was making some progress but I still seem to get lost and confused. I am working on finding a niche or product to write articles on and I can't seem to make up my mind. I think that I may need to start over from the first lesson and do everything over again. I can't understand why I am having such a hard time understanding what to do. Getting frustrated all over again. 
There is just so much information missing in these lessons that I am not able to learn effectively enough to stay focused because I have to keep jumping around to the forums and other places to try to find the answers that I need when they should be contained in the lesson. I thought this was a step by step getting started course? There is too much trail and error and it's not really a step by  step course if there is a step missing or instructions missing. I would really like to talk to Ky
July 04, 2010
I am still not understanding where to start or where to begin to take action, so where do I start and what do I do next? It's not easy to find the answer's to the questions I have here once I get stuck on something in the training.  I read where Kyle or Carson made money in 1 month marketing online, so how did they do that? 
July 04, 2010
I am on lesson 5, and I attempted to follow the instructions on setting up a RSS feed from to my but the tutorial page and the site feed page on blogger don't match up (confused) and when I copied and pasted the site URL, my yahoo said to enter a valid URL,( confused and frustrated). Can anyone help me with this so I can learn how to set up a RSS feed properly?    
July 04, 2010
Happy 4th to everyone, I've made it up to lesson 5, but I've decided to go back and review everything again because I feel  like I have missed a step or something. Im just struggling to connect the dots. I am still getting overwhelmed with too much information, just to much to sort through and figure out. I still need something more simple, and step by step. Is there anyone who  can teach me like Im a first grader, Lol. 
1 comment
June 27, 2010
with my current work schedule of 12 hour days, it's extremely difficult to find enough hours in a day to really get into the getting started lessons and keep learning. I am still confused and also having trouble finding a niche. So now my question is "am I just a complete moron or am I making this more difficult than it really is"? Im not sure, but Im thinking "moron'. I am just not having a good experience trying to put together all of this information into a cohesive easy to fol