About Kclark
Joined June 2010
Hello everyone, I have been online for about 18 months now but I havent had t any success yet, so I am looking forward to learning everything I can here at WA.
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phbreez Premium
Hi......glad to meet you. If you get a chance, jump over to my blog...I am new, but posting up the stuff I learn and it may help you.
Stay in touch....every day if you have time to be sure we get this stuff burnt into our brain and movin.

Here is what I am going to do today

Make a Squidoo Lens
Find a product
Find a revelant picture
Find a video
Go to ezine and find an article and use that a guide to make my own text for the lens and then an article

Then a complete project is done.

If you have any problem...please email me and we will find a solution. We are putting together a few people to form a group to be sure all us newbies get a good solid basis and start so by Christmas we are with excellent quality sites that work and no junkers out there.

Our goal is to have first page postion in the top three spots.....if not there it is almost not worth the effort. So we just need to pick narrow niches that are have very little competition and about 1,000-5,000 searches a month with good products that sell online. More later...stay in touch...thanks for your email. Phil
Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
kclark Premium
feeling a little overwhelmed here, just too much info, need some help
kclark Premium
Im just getting into the getting started plan and I really like how it is put together
kclark Premium
Hello everyone, Im excited to be a member of WA, Im looking forward to making lots of friends here.