Kind of Embarrassing

Last Update: August 29, 2010

I once again want to thank all of the WA members who are responding and providing me with their support to help to me to become a successful member here at WA. I have been attempting to learn IM since Jan 09, almost 2 full years, and I feel like I have gotten no where. One of my main challenges, as if learning IM isn't challenging enough, I also suffer from a learning disorder and it's main effect on me is that I  have trouble performing specific types of skills or completing tasks if left to figure things out by myself. So learning IM has really exposed me in this area, and of course I can't hide from it especially learning IM. So despite the fact that I am following a course of a WA member here, I am still struggling with learning how to put it all together and effectively follow and understand the process. So this post is more to say thank you to everyone for being so helpful and supportive in trying to help me to learn and to stay afloat here. . It's been almost 2 years and I hope to start to make more progress.I hope to continue on and eventually, finally begin to see some results in my efforts. So once again even though the information is overwhelming, the support and responses from everyone here is greatly appreciated. Thank you all again.

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Will_W Premium
take some gold man, times is hard. BELIEVE ME, I understand...
Fallulah Premium
I'm really glad you're keeping going inspite of the challenges you face K. Sometimes it's just really good to get things off your chest and a good thing to come out of that is that you now that we're all in this together and there's a TON of people who are only too pleased to help in whatever way they can. Keep us up to date K. I salute you my friend for having the courage to keep moving towards your dream :) Paula.
famousplumber Premium
If I can help in any way just holla. My personal e-m is or you can shoot me a pm (private message) here on the WA site. You're honesty and openness are refreshing and I would be honored to be of assistance.

Larry (famousplumber)
elainemannella Premium
I agree. Good for you for reaching out. I cannot strees enough to you to follow potpie. She is wonderful. Invest in her one week marketing and follow it to the T. Then repeat :) It will all come together for you trust me, its what I did :)
jatdebeaune Premium
Don't be embarrassed. It's courageous to ask for help, and an honor to help.