Very Disappointed

Last Update: August 21, 2010

I haven't blogged for a while, but I am still here. Haven't had much time to spend here recently but I am still trying. I must still say that WA is really starting to disappoint me more and more as are some of the members here. For me no matter how good someone's course's or training's are there are some of us who still need answers to our questions, we need guidance, direction, instruction and sometimes just plain old hand holding. I have also found that as things change most of the instructions or lessons have not, even something as simple as a screenshot that is different makes it very confusing in following the next step. In a lot of ways this is no different than being alone and on your own online anyway, without the hype and hoopla of how great it is. Now I understand why I am starting to see more and more complaints about WA.It's simply a cash cow that doesn't require constant attention. And as stated by a fellow soon to be ex member of WA, everyone here is taking advantage of the newbies, and for us newbies that are not able to learn and apply things as well and as quickly as others we are really being used, abused and pimped. I am still hoping to stay here as a member and learn how to be successful online, but I do think that people need to be more responsive to the needs of the newbies and the people who are struggling, after all we are PAYING for something here that most of us are not getting. If you are selling a program or product, or course or lesson, whatever it is pay attention your PAYING customers. We are the ones who are making you independently wealthy by buying from you in hopes of achieving the same kind of lifestyle that you enjoy. 

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StacyS Premium
Kevin, I think I reached out to you before.... I'm sorry you're still having some trouble with WA... I just started something, if you want to take a look at my blog. I started it for two of my offline friends who got laid off and were asking me for help.. I remembered some people here wanted more of a one on one experience, so I thought I would see if anyone is interested. It's free, and I can't promise the world since it is an experiment, but.... I really think it may help with the feeling of being alone. :)
simple steve Premium
Hey Kclarks, I want to give you a link to a site that I go to a lot for some really good info.
The site is owned by a Gal named Lisa Irby and she really puts things in an easy to get fashion. Her site has a lot of sales links on it as well, but don't be quick to buy anything. Just take a look arounf at the info and listen to her videos. She is really sharp. She can't hold your hand but you may find it a little easier than the technical stuff here at WA.

I personal mentor is what I would like myself but they can be very expensive. LIke thousands. WA kinda led me tp believe I could get thta here but, oh well..
The first stage the newbie needs to get passed is the information overload stage. I've been messing around with this stuff for years. Made some sales, but I won't give up. I will be making regular sales someday... copy and paste this link in your browser. Hope this helps.
Darlenemarie39 Premium
Hi,'re not on my buddy list, but then, I haven't been active in WA for a got very busy.
I'm sorry that you're disappointed in WA..or the people here, but I don't feel disappointed in the community at all. Everyone of us is a struggling affiliate marketer, trying to understand concepts and skills that are so new to us. Some of this is very I'm writing this, I was actually looking for a help icon because I just deleted the wrong documents on my website!...LOL...I can be such a dingbat sometimes...the point I'm trying to make is, a majority of the folks here are struggling to understand it all...struggling and frustrated that we aren't successful yet. What are we doing wrong? Heck, I know with myself...I have the "not following through" syndrome! But I recognize that and I'm working on it.
My point to you is, if you need help, there are people here who will help you. I don't understand it all, but I will answer any questions and help you in any way I can. I have been doing online marketing..more like online training, for about 3 1/2 years. Working full-time takes a lot of my hours away. I'm not successful yet, but I will be if I just keep working at it.
I'm a wealth of knowledge, but certainly not a master. Either way, please email me and I will be happy to help any way I can. I will hold your hand:)
phbreez Premium
Hi.....stick with it. I am a newbie too.....May 30th and retired. But I jam away at it every day and have hunted through all kinds of emails, text and videos.....lots of good free stuff.

I also bought all Pot Pie Girls stuff and it was exactly what I wanted and needed. She is great.....young gal that stuck it out and figured it out and then helps everyone away almost to much free info.

So if she can do it ...we can do it....and with her help. There are others that I have found on this site that are really genuine and provide really cool info too.

The best part I found is that we get WordPress and Site Rubix which i really like and also Squidoo lens with the articles and then Yahoo answers and the groups and forums.

We can do can do comes to you....I take piano lessons and my teacher says....Phil....go slow....learn your basics no matter how long it takes and then practice slow and carefully. He said don't quit like most of my students. He feels we quit when we are almost there and about to do well. He told me that if I practice carefully just a bit more than the other students that I will all of a sudden GET IT and be happy again. Don't rush he says. I said the learning curve seems so long...he said it
jatdebeaune Premium
Hi Kevin, I am sorry about your feelings of frustration, and agree that there needs to be a one on one hand holding option here at WA, even if there is a fee attached. It has to be effective though. Not charge a fee and deliver nothing. No perfunctory service. I have heard from fellow members too, who are disappointed and are leaving. It's not that they are leaving that's sad, it's that their hopes and dreams have been invested in this program, and they are being dashed. Not right.