Posts by Kkaland 5
July 04, 2012
Here I am. Back again! I've been making a few sales here and there from a blog I kind of just abandoned, and seeing the money coming in randomly like that has inspired me to try again.I just don't really know how to tackle that blog properly. I haven't done a good job at focusing my content on one product. The blog is all over the place because I focused it on an interest that has a lot of things to it. Maybe it can still work out though. I just wish there was more time in a day.
May 27, 2011
Maybe it's a sign? I had taken a very long break from affiliate marketing, unsure if I would ever return, and then out of no where I made a sale from a blog I hadn't updated in ages. I only made 5 dollars, lol. But those 5 dollars sure mean a lot right now. I'm sure you guys can relate. They give me renewed faith in affiliate marketing. Maybe this can work out after all. I better get back to working on that blog :) 
December 30, 2010
I seem to post here when I feel I need an extra boost to keep going. I've fallen into entropy as of late. I'm working on a wordpress site and it's a bit of a learning curve. I keep feeling that whatever I do is of poor quality. I know that it will take time to really learn how to do things well. I truly want to create a site with quality content. I want to promote things I believe in and that I feel will help people.  Maybe I have to let go and just be myself when I write. It's a blog afte
September 02, 2010
I wanted to write something again to get my focus back. Truth is that I feel rather discouraged. Sometimes it's almost painful to work on affiliate marketing because I don't know if I'm moving in the right direction or if it's ever going to work. I've been working on a few squidoo lenses, but they haven't even gotten indexed yet. I don't know if I should just leave that campaign be for now and move onto something else. And then there's all the people out there telling me to try their guide to m
July 20, 2010
This is my first blog post. I thought I would start writing to get some of my thoughts and worries out in the open. I don't know if I should continue with my current campaign. I'm reluctant to quit because I've already put work into it and it's something I love and believe in. But it seems like a pretty weak niche. The keywords I've chosen don't get that much traffic and neither does my articles. I haven't done everything I can to drive traffic to them though.  What I'm promoting is a cour