I made a sale

Last Update: May 27, 2011

Maybe it's a sign?

I had taken a very long break from affiliate marketing, unsure if I would ever return, and then out of no where I made a sale from a blog I hadn't updated in ages.

I only made 5 dollars, lol. But those 5 dollars sure mean a lot right now. I'm sure you guys can relate. They give me renewed faith in affiliate marketing. Maybe this can work out after all.

I better get back to working on that blog :) 

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kkaland Premium
Thanks guys for your comments!

Funny thing is that I have written articles about certain kinds of teas lol.
The proof of the pudding lies in the eating and 5 bucks buys a few puddings. A sale from a blog you hadn't touched in months is living proof of the "set and forget" and "autopilot" theories. Savour the success with another cuppa. PS: Might "specialty teas" be a niche for thee?
Labman_1 Premium
Take each one that you can get. Eventually they will add up. Congrats.