
Last Update: September 02, 2010

I wanted to write something again to get my focus back. Truth is that I feel rather discouraged. Sometimes it's almost painful to work on affiliate marketing because I don't know if I'm moving in the right direction or if it's ever going to work.

I've been working on a few squidoo lenses, but they haven't even gotten indexed yet. I don't know if I should just leave that campaign be for now and move onto something else.

And then there's all the people out there telling me to try their guide to making money. I often believe what they are saying and would like to buy their guide, but I don't have the money to spend. My experience is also that things are more difficult than what people tell you. What works for them rarely seem to work for me. I think I'm also a slow worker. 

I will keep going though. I believe that things will work if I just keep trying. Right?  



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kkaland Premium
Hi. Things are going slow....But being here and reading all the nice comments give me strength. Learning to not overwhelm myself but to take one step at the time.

Thanks for asking by the way :)
smadronia Premium
It's been a while since you posted. how are things going?