Progress so painfully slow

Last Update: December 30, 2010

I seem to post here when I feel I need an extra boost to keep going. I've fallen into entropy as of late. I'm working on a wordpress site and it's a bit of a learning curve. I keep feeling that whatever I do is of poor quality. I know that it will take time to really learn how to do things well.

I truly want to create a site with quality content. I want to promote things I believe in and that I feel will help people. 

Maybe I have to let go and just be myself when I write. It's a blog after all. I think I demand success NOW! My husband really wants me to make money and I don't want to disappoint him or myself. But I have been procrastinating so much lately that progress has been painfully slow. 

Time to get moving again.

Gosh. It helps to write. I feel new ideas dripping into my mind. 

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Eimi Premium
I feel the same. I want to creates things of quality, things I like to help others like me.
And yes I've been going slow too.
kkaland Premium
Thank you for your warm and encouraging comments. It's so true. I stress myself out because of the expectation I have to myself and the need to please my husband. As time goes by without having made any money it gets worse. But it's my own fault for procrastinating too much.

I will make sure to have more fun. It's fun to promote something I feel will help people.

It gets easier if I just focus on small goals. One step at the time like you said Liz.

I like the idea of always learning. The only way I can lose is by doing nothing....
Mz Liz Premium
What I have learned (by your photo, it seems I am old enough to be ur mom, so pardon me if it sounds like mom giving advise) is that we don't have to be perfect in order to make money online. People have made money with speeling and just plain siily mistakes. So go ahead, be yourself, do your best, and have fun. I have failed more times than succeeded and all I know is that I need to get back on that horse and not give up. (This is advise I am giving myself)

Do what you can and stick within your budget. And take one day and one step at a time. Even if you end up in a 'dead end street' so to speak, you have learned something. What I have learned is that in order to make money online; knowledge, info, insight, know-how and a few hard knocks will help you become an 'expert' or someone people can trust so that you can provide worthy info, products and services for others.
jatdebeaune Premium
Try to keep going without judging yourself so much. You're stressing yourself out by expecting excellence as a beginner. Also stressing yourself out wanting to please your husband. Fear of not living up to your own expectations causes procrastination. We all face this stuff. Just keep learning something new every day and do something with what you learn everyday. Know you'll get there. You can't lose. Happy New Year!