Changing Sides

Last Update: July 06, 2011

Well, decided to clear out of my Search and Rescue team.

Tired of the sniping and backbiting.  Fortunately there is another alternative.  My new team, Western New York Search Dogs, is completely focused on getting K9's ready to work a search.  None of the extra junk that my previous team had on their schedule.(Mostly related to raising funds that I never was able to determine where they were used).

 Anyhow, wish me luck with my new compatriots.  I'm hoping that some fresh eyes and ideas get Elphie moving in the right direction.

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Praise Premium
(Mostly related to raising funds that I never was able to determine where they were used).

That's sad.

Glad you were able to find another of luck.
unclbill Premium
God bless you in your worthy endeavor
soundwaves Premium
Good luck. Sometimes a change is good. I love the picture of your dogs. It makes me want to reach in an pet them (or at least have the sniff my hand). My dog is 15 years old needs help just getting off the ground, but I remember when she seemed to fly!
Renni Premium
Go for it, Labman! Best of luck to you and the K9's!
florence Premium
Hei Labman, This seems very exciting. Good luck.