Day 1

Last Update: May 26, 2011

Today was big day 1!!!!  I am feeling a bit overwhelmed but I did accomplish quite a bit in the taking action category today.  I chose a niche and bought a domain name.  Can't wait to get some more done tomorrow.  

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WA is a vast library of resources so feeling overwhelmed on the first day is probably an understatement for most people. "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. ~ Lao-tzu. Best wishes for the rest of your journey wherever it may lead.
winch330 Premium
hey ! welcome~ Make sure u add the domain on the WA hosting space because it takes 24 hours to get the blog active. I didn't do that on day 1 so I had to wait for a day to get the blog active and ready to go.
winch330 Premium
hey ! welcome~ Make sure u add the domain on the WA hosting space because it takes 24 hours to get the blog active. I didn't do that on day 1 so I had to wait for a day to get the blog active and ready to go.