Day 4

Last Update: May 29, 2011

Hello all, today was significantly better.  I did a whole lot of reading around the site.  I learned about some really great possibilities in the realm of article marketing.  I figured I would start there in my reading since that seems to be the initial direction the 30 day club is taking me.  I also got pulled into some reading on the possibilities of website flipping as I went through some profiles and added more friends to my ever growing network.  Thanks so much again to everyone who has so proactively come to me to offer their well wishes and support in my initial days on the site.  I can't wait to speak with all of you and hopefully be able to form really meaningful connections.  I also was able to get through my day 4 tasks as they did not involve the actual website.  I now have the beginnings of my keyword list so that I can move on to whatever tasks I have for tomorrow.  Thanks again for all the support :-D

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Labman_1 Premium
Congrats on keeping with it. Every day is a new adventure around here. I'm still amazed by everything.
winch330 Premium

Did you managed to get your blog active yet? I'm still waiting for the admin to get those done. Let's stay in touch!
Every achievement no matter how small is another milestone on the journey. “It is not the mountain we conquer but ourselves.” - Edmund Hillary