Day 2

Last Update: May 27, 2011

Hello all.  Today was frustrating to say the least.  My task for the 30 day club was to create my blog site and get the plug ins started.  I followed the instructions as best I could and seem to have a blog created but as of now I can't access it.  Hopefully it's  just a technical issue and the site is just taking a bit longer than is usual to get things loaded up.  I will be back at it in the morning, hopefully everything will be up and running and I can hit day three running!!!

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jasonr Premium
Did you mange to get this sorted? What sort of error messages are you receiving?
winch330 Premium
Hey, I got the same problem with you. I still couldn't get my blog activated for some reasons. I'm not sure if there's indeed a technical issue with the server. Please msg me if you do get your blog activated. I changed the nameservers and everything too:(