Days 7-11

Last Update: June 06, 2011

Hello All, haven't put up a blog post in a few days.  It's been busy but my goal has been to do SOMETHING every day.  I believe that I have actually accomplished that much and am proud to be able to sit here and say that tonight.  I now have my website up and running with a nice front page and about me page.  I also have submitted two articles to SA and I have signed up for facebook and twitter to get some of the social networking automated gadgetry up and running for traffic.  I am now caught up through day 6 of the 30 day club and am excited to get into monetizing my site over the next few days!!  If anyone has a chance to take a look at my site I would love to get some feedback.  

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muskyblood Premium
Congrats on taking daily action! That is very important. I would take a look, but you did not put a link to your site in your post...