Posts by Likoali 7
February 24, 2012
Has anyone else tried to use Yahoo Answers in order to gain web traffic and followers?  It allows you to answer 20 questions per day and I have found a TON of open questions in the paranormal... Which is good for me because I can think outside of the box and the paranormal is something I know best. I suppose I will be updating this and let you all know if I actually get more traffic.  In fact...I'll do this for a week or two and see what happened to my numbers
February 19, 2012
So for 18 or 19 or so I had to write a few newsworthy articles for my niche.  Well I wrote one for my Street Articles account and then I wrote one for my Examiner account...and holy shit, the examiner article made the first page in Google, it leads to my website, AND it got 366 page views alone.  Just so happens that the topic I wrote about was Grant Wilson leaving the Ghost Hunters show on Syfy.  I knew it would be a hit....holy cow!  I need t
February 11, 2012
Sooo on my website I have created a forum for members to join and talk about the paranormal.  I am encouraging everyone interested to join and speak your mind!  I even have a "Skeptic Corner" because I value all opinions, whether they are in agreement with me or not.  Thanks to everyone for the support.  I love WA :)     Blessed Be.
February 07, 2012
I suppose I can now be titled WA's Weird Ghost Girl.  xD  Which is absolutely fine with me.  It feels so good to start building a website on a niche that I am super passionate about -- the paranormal.  I wanted tobuild this website in the past and never gotten around to it because I was short on time...but now I decided that now's the time to do it...and I can make money off of it.  I need to set goals for myself, but I am unsure as to how high to set
February 03, 2012
I have only been here for about a week, and I really want to thank everyone for all of the support that has been given to me and helping to keep me motivated while I am opening my mind to this brand new spectrum of information.  I don't want to cause any tear-jerkers here, but I am feeling a bit stressed because I lost my job and now I am trying to make up for it.  Usually people quit their job AFTER they start to earn success with a program such as this, but not me
Okay, okay...I'm VERY good at writing, so I never thought I would have an article rejected..EVER.  I guess I just need to learn how article writing for landing pages here works.  Anybody have some tricks or tips?  I'm going to check out the forums for more information on this as know what they say, third time is the charm, right?  :)    
I am on day 2 of the 30 day program.  I was a bit sketchy at first, and I must admit that I still am, but it wasn't a bad investment.  If I am not successful here, at least I can say that I gained a good education of internet marketing and the process this career entails.  I have a few niches in mind and I already created a site for one: ghost hunting.  The paranormal is a growing field with many people growing more and more curious, poking around on websi