Yes I am the Weird Ghost Girl

Last Update: February 07, 2012

I suppose I can now be titled WA's Weird Ghost Girl.  xD  Which is absolutely fine with me.  It feels so good to start building a website on a niche that I am super passionate about -- the paranormal.  I wanted tobuild this website in the past and never gotten around to it because I was short on time...but now I decided that now's the time to do it...and I can make money off of it.  I need to set goals for myself, but I am unsure as to how high to set my goals for my first month here.  I know I have to follow the training and I am following it day-by-day, only going ahead or looking ahead when I feel like I have absorbed the knowledge like a sponge.  I know this business requires a lot of writing, but hell, I love to write.

If anyone is can check out my paranormal column that I have on the Examiner.  I can back link to my website (which is amazing!) but if you want to check it out and subscribe that would be cool.

Anyways...I will try my best to do myvery best and keep my motivation up. Sometimes I feel unsure and weird...but then I get the motivational boost all over again from the community.  If it weren't for the community, a lot of people wouldn't make it. 

Thanks guys.



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Labman_1 Premium
Nice Start on the site. The Faerie article was cute as well. Probably not what you were after but hey, that's just my opinion. Keep up the good work. Looking forward to stopping back when you have a bit more content. Don't forget the pictures and videos when available. They really enhance the look and feel of your site.
Likoali Premium
Thanks Labman! There is a really old building at the Pitt Campus that I want to shoot a video for and write an article to promote some of the equipment I can sell. I'm just waiting for the weather to not be so frigid. It can be dreary all it wants :D Will enhance my theme, lol.
