Still Sketchy, But Open Minded..

Last Update: January 30, 2012

I am on day 2 of the 30 day program.  I was a bit sketchy at first, and I must admit that I still am, but it wasn't a bad investment.  If I am not successful here, at least I can say that I gained a good education of internet marketing and the process this career entails.  I have a few niches in mind and I already created a site for one: ghost hunting.  The paranormal is a growing field with many people growing more and more curious, poking around on websites for more information and purchasing ghost hunting kits.  I hope this is a successful first niche.  In the future, I might develop one for video games and/or baby supplies, such as clothes. 

Impatiently waiting for the day 3 email...*prays to be patient enough not to jump the gun.* 


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Labman_1 Premium
You really don't need to wait for the email. Go to your Home page( Top Left) and scroll down the left column until you see the Blue Bar that says 30 day success club starts here. Click that and you will have access to all of the 30 days.
Likoali Premium
Holy Crap. I could kiss your face right now sir. Thank you so much :)