Yahoo Answers?

Last Update: February 25, 2012

Has anyone else tried to use Yahoo Answers in order to gain web traffic and followers?  It allows you to answer 20 questions per day and I have found a TON of open questions in the paranormal...

Which is good for me because I can think outside of the box and the paranormal is something I know best.

I suppose I will be updating this and let you all know if I actually get more traffic.  In fact...I'll do this for a week or two and see what happened to my numbers.



After my first night on those boards (I used my own website and articles as sources) I helped a few people that corresponded to me via email...received best answer 3 times...and I received more web traffic.  I think I will keep using this for a while.  :)


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jchilders Premium
I used Yahoo Answers a while back too. Even if you don't get much traffic directly from it, you still get backlinks, etc. I'm not sure if they are no-follow or not, but I figure it can't hurt either way.
Likoali Premium
The backlinks are wonderful. My traffic hasn't gone up too tremendously, however, I have only been messing with Yahoo Answers for about 2 days. (I was traveling for a few days) and I have gotten people emailing me on advice and questions they are having. I have even scheduled a Skype video interview for a college student who wants to use me for her paper.

So my take on it? I like it. Reaching out to people always gets them to come back to you.

Thanks for the comment :)
Renni Premium
For a noob you are pretty advanced! I'm giving you some gold love for the good advice and the buddy request. Best of luck to you in your future online endeavors. You sound like a great mom!
Likoali Premium
Wow, thanks Renni! Sometimes even noobs have great ideas. I wish you luck as well and thanks so much for the gold love!
stadium Premium
I from time to time use yahoo answers. About being chosen as the top answer, always address the person by name and be extremely friendly in your response seems to work best for getting chosen. Oh and actually answer the question good also.
Likoali Premium
I answered 40 questions...well they give you 20 a day I did my 40 in 2 days and had to travel a bit *yawwnn* long drive. :( Anyhoo...out of the 40, 13 were voted for best answer and people are even emailing me personally for advice and questions :D It's so nice!
CSmith1 Premium
A few years ago I tried Yahoo Answers, I got the feeling that most people are very young and at the time I was pushing WA.
Made a few sales but stopped after someone in here got banned, when you get banned you also lose the email address. At the time I really didn't want to lose my email address so after a few warnings I moved on.

If people are asking questions about paranormal type stuff it will probably work very well for you.
I'm guessing these people are looking for information more than an answer.
Likoali Premium
Ouch you got banned for that? Eew. Good thing I'm not trying to promote WA I suppose. I see what you mean about most of the people there as being kids but they give you 20 answers a day and I was able to answer all 20 open questions in the paranormal, and received the best answer title for 3 of them so far. What I did was I used my website for the sources or any relevant articles that I wrote. I also told them that they could contact me if they had any other questions. Because the yahoo answers doesn't like it if you have a conversation within the question and answer forum. I don't think I have broken any rules yet, so let's see!

Thanks for the reply welshy :)
CSmith1 Premium
I only ever got a few warnings or flagged answers if I remember correctly, it was someone else from WA who got banned and lost his email account.
Likoali Premium
Ah okay I see. Thanks for the feedback :) I already have helped a few people so I am feeling pretty good about myself. Now let's see how my traffic benefits from this method and if I get any sales.