A short note

Last Update: July 30, 2012
I remember back in February or March of this year when I was first checking out what Internet Marketing entailed - I listened to a training on pay-per-click marketing and throughout the whole video I thought the presenter was saying "paper clip marketing". Don't laugh - or maybe DO laugh as I am - I actually Googled "Paper Clip Marketing". Just to remind myself I have come a long way from that point in these past months and I am sure others can remember similar humorous experiences! So I just blogged that to remind myself to lighten up!
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Linda Fedun Premium
Isn't learning all the new jargon fun?1? We've come a long way Lisa.
Renni Premium
hahahahaha....can you imagine?

Talk about silly things...when watching a training video, have you ever tried to control things like the mouse and the scroll bar that the presenter is using on their screen? It's kinda like a reflex I guess..we were talking about it in Chat during the last Wabiner. Forget who was trying to scroll Jay's screen but it is funny.

Maybe you found a new niche...lol
Shawn Martin Premium
LOL< that is funny. I too was in the same frame of definitions when I first stumbled in the door.
mama2karsten Premium
We have all done those sorts of things. I don't have an excuse... I knew what PPC is and was listening to a webinar the other evening... It sounded like the speaker said"paper clip" to me as well. I thought perhaps it was perhaps a more precise marker (pinpointing a phrase within an online document or article) within a bookmark or something like that... I googled too... to my surprise, they exist but not for online pin pointing. I still giggle about that.
lisawells Premium
good to have stuff to giggle about!

Oh Sorry...But I remember when I thought long-tail keywords were called that because they were so long.
Shawn Martin Premium
They are not?? :P
Renni Premium
I think he means a long, single word...long tail is like a phrase really... :)
Long-tail keywords refers to the fact that if you graph out the search results these keywords will fall in the long tail of the graph because they have fewer searches than the other keywords.