Not as hard as it sounds?

Last Update: June 22, 2012
Day 11 challenged me because I wanted to put banners in the sidebar. I followed a training on this, but it seemed too complicated for my skills, so I downloaded a suggested sidebar widget, which was easy. But then I couldn't figure out what to fill in on the widget, and so got intimidated and backed off of the idea. Actually that wasn't part of Day 11 training, but it was an idea I wanted to pursue and I still want to make my website look the way I want it to, so I have to go back and figure out what to do.

Day 12 is just scary to me - I feel like I don't know how to do those things, but I know they are things that can make my website successful, so I have to make myself have the courage to try them. I think I need to boost my self confidence for sure! Some things from the first couple of days seemed difficult and confusing, but looking back they now seem quite normal and easy; so I know this part of the training will become part of my skillset as well. I just need to remind myself to go step-by-step and follow the instructions and it will work!
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lisawells Premium
Thanks for your comments. It helps to know other people have been there and moved on. I will too!!
veronica.l Premium
I like the saying "every master was ones a disaster" nothing is hard when you know how to do it :) take the time to learn things and they will become very easy for you. Following the 30 day success guide is a great way to start and get an overview of what needs to be done. If you have any questions just let us know, will be happy to help.

Linda Fedun Premium
Hi Lisa I know what you mean. It took me a long time to get through day 11, day 12 scared me too. I couldn't believe how many sites we're expected to belong to. Made it through that, now slowly going through day 13. We'll get there, slowly, but surely!!!