
Last Update: July 05, 2012
There have been a few things I've wanted to do on my website for a while - today I accomplished them! It seemed natural to do a bit of research on what I wanted, see how to do it, and then carry it out. That is definitely progress for me - no struggle.

Have also been (slowly) working on getting through the 30 day training; definitely not in 30 days. But I'm on Day 17 now, having done all those parts of the training I can and wanted to do. Maybe for me it will be a 60 day training course, but that's okay. I added my websites to my personal e-mail signature and have been getting good comments from my contacts and some exposure.

Now I have to settle down and write more articles - I have many ideas jotted down to develop and some research done - the hard part is setting time aside to actually write the articles. Since my current blog is in a gardening niche, I also need to be outside doing the oh, so many, things that my garden needs done. This is a very busy and very short time of year in the garden in my climate. It passes all too quickly. I've decided to make a writing and gardening schedule so that each task gets proper attention.

WA and the community here continue to be a source of inspiration. Though my Inbox gets very crowded with notices from WA and Street Articles, I'm happy to follow-up and find out what everyone is doing and saying.
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mama2karsten Premium
Way to go! Having a plan is big... There are many who have no plan and it shows. It's really hard to reach a destination without a map. It sounds like you are setting some goals. That's so important. Stick with it, you will be fine.
Amy Farr Premium
You aren't alone! Life gets in the way...30 days may turn into 60 day success but thats ok! Everyday is learning, and it makes things easier as we go!
Shawn Martin Premium
Your first paragraph inspired me. I agree, my mail load is unbelievable, but we could have worse problems. I love it here.
ThomasPaul Premium
Awesome work! How do you plan on making your gardening and writing schedule? Are you going to make a weekly pan? Are you going to make a daily schedule?
lisawells Premium
It will have to be week by week - Gardening tends to turn into an all day marathon for me - and I get wet and muddy usually. I think a 3/3 split and Sunday is already committed. An actual daily schedule with times and all is not on my agenda - it would take the joy out of it all.
Linda Fedun Premium
Good for you Lisa on getting to day 17, I'm still on day13. I've been trying to put more posts on my website, then move onto training. Finding time is still an issue for me too. We'll make it through, even if it means a 90 day course:)