So easy!

Last Update: June 27, 2012
Sometime during the few half-awake minutes before getting up this morning, a light bulb went on about adding images to my sidebar - something I had not been able to figure out how to do. It was simply to look for a You Tube tutorial about it so I could see it done. There was a 3 minute video that showed exactly what I needed and I now have been able to put banners in my sidebar. It's very exciting to have done it, it was so easy! And I drove myself crazy with reading about it - I totally forgot how many tools are available to learn to do things both through training at WA and out "on the net" as well. You Tube makes it so simple because someone tells you as they show you, or at least in this video they did. I hope I don't forget about this resource for too long next time I get stuck!
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ThomasPaul Premium
Yeah, I've done that before. I love youtube and google. A lot of times I type in exactly what I'm trying to do and someone has already created a nice little video. Congrats on the sidebar!
slayton1s Premium
Just copy html, edit the size number of it, & edit the h ref tag. You might want to add a blank in it also to redirect to a new tab. That's pretty much all there is to it.
Linda Fedun Premium
Thanks for the info Lisa. I never think of You Tube when I'm stuck on something. I'll be using is soon myself as I want to put some banners on my site.
Apina Premium
HEy, glad you found a useful resource. Why not bookmark it, you can create folders to store them in, like Sidebar images, Link video, How to change this that or the other, and then you know where to go if you need them again
lisawells Premium
great idea, thanks!