Lisa Wells Progress Blog

Last Update: May 14, 2012

I just wanted to get started with this blog - but I wrote a post and it just disappeared at the point of Tagging, whatever that is. Guess I'll try again. Very excited that I joined WA! Got started in the 10 free trial days and am so glad I'm here as a member now. Have fallen a bit behind in the training as I've had to be away for a few days. I do get immobilized with anxiety about $$ fairly often these days as I really need to find a way online to earn some fast/soon. Anxiety and worry does NOT help, wish I wouldn't let it get in my way. Okay, anyway, I'm going back to my lessons and try to move my Word Press blog along. I've created the initial pages and even figured out how to put them in the order I want, how to create a static first page - so I'm congratulating me, because it was really hard for me. Later, got to get busy now and hope I manage to save this post this time! I have not much luck on WA searching for how to do things.

5/14.  Cannot figure out how to add a new post to this blog - so am editing.  Maybe this is how to do it.  I do wish there were instructions that were easy to find for internal membership things like this.  I don't have much luck getting help or answers with this stuff.

Took three days off from my computer to do some gardening (which is what my site is about - so figured I'd better get to it with our untimely wonderful weather and get some seeds in!)  I tried to get my head straight about how to earn money and concurrently create and learn on WA.  Haven't come back in much better mental composure but am still determined to make it all work.  Okay enough for now.

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