So many things to do!

Last Update: June 05, 2012
I have been feeling a bit overwhelmed. I wanted to write a page for my blog site so much, but so many things have intervened that I haven't been able to focus. I had a two day assembly for my congregation which was so uplifting and inspiring - and my faith is of utmost importance to me - but I came home each day of the weekend exhausted and ready for sleep! So no writing this past weekend.

I have five potentially money-making projects under way that I spent working on yesterday; so today here I am, hoping to get the page written and make progress with my site. I committed some time to my brother to help him with data entry for his new business, too, so I have a data base program to install and learn before I can begin that project. He wants to pay me what he would pay anyone he hired to do it, so that does mean some much needed income for me (which I'm sure was his whole point in asking me). But my goodness, with all my gardening chores and church committments and study, I'm just working very hard at telling myself I CAN do it. ALL. Yes, I'm sure I can. Just have to use my methodical step-by-step process and try not to let things get out of proportion.

We've had snow these past couple of days - my vegetable garden did survive to my surprise. Not that anything is doing much in the cold, but I'm relieved to not have to start from zero again, I'm so counting on using only produce from my garden this season!

Okay, enough comforting myself, better get to work.......
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